After taking off more wood and floor tillering, I'm at this point. The limb on the right (upper limb) has more reflex, and it is more curved than the limb on the left.
Because the handle was offset 1 inch, it is also 2" longer than the limb on the left. It's also, at this point stiffer than the limb on the left. That, I know, I can alter by taking more wood off. But I want to understand something before I go further.
So, question, experienced bwyers, do you use some means of correcting the difference in amount of reflex and shape of the natural curve (like steaming, heat treating)?
Or do you tiller in a way that corrects the difference so they come out even?
Or do you expect that the tiller curves will look different for the different limbs and work with that?
And if the last, then what shape tiller would you be looking for on the different limbs?