i was looking over a tool i use for knapping.its a deer tine. has a point for flaking. it still had a part of the main beam attached to the end of the tine when i cut it so i ground this down. eventually i turned it into a small sized billet. well as time went on i started using it to burnish arrows as well. then i got to thinking, hmmm, if i put a hole the largest size of the shoot shafts ive been building i could use this for a arrow sizer/straightener as well.soo then i made the swiss army knife of arrow making tools :)i have some old tines laying around. im going to make ishy sticks with tines in them, one on each end. some big, some small, some round, some flat, as multi use tools to accompany this tool.if i make a small bag to carry it in along with my flint shaft scraper feather cutting tool,a sand stone ,and a hammer stone, id have a pretty nice primitive arrow making set up.anyways heres the finished tine , its about 20 years old, but it was still a work in process until today.