I disagree that it was stupid and unnecessary and accomplished nothing.Often it takes more than one instance to get the point across.Other tactics less violent,such as relocation etc most often, dont get the point across enough to deter bears from seeking human contact.Once the bear is habituated,it lacks respect and fear of humans giving it a bravado that is dangerous to both parties and the end result,fatal to both.
We do agree that it isnt fair to the bear and human caused for the most part.Drought conditions also play a big part as well,but reality is,that it happens,regardless of the cause and proper measures have to be taken,for the safety of both parties.
A bear that doesnt fear and respect humans is not just a possible danger to humans,but a probable one and its just a matter of time,before a negative encounter happens,especially to the uneducated public.Are we going to educate everyone to proper protocol and safety and expect them to adhere to it before an incident occurs?I seriously doubt it,so we have to do what is necessary to avoid it best we can.
Coming from someone,who has had experience in this matter,im all ears to any suggestions of better solutions as long as they are realistic.No personal slight intended,its just that youd be blown away at some of the ridiculous ideology people come up with regarding such cases.