I went hunting this morning in Tenn on 350 acres I have permission to hunt.
I had a big coyote come by about 9:00 from the direction of the land owner's house. I had him quartering to at 15 yards, if he continued on the same path I would have him broadside at ten yards. He hit where I walked in, swapped ends and skedaddled up the ridge and out of sight.
About 10:00 a big doe ran off the ridge and meandered right up to me. She smelled me a little, stopped to figure things out facing me then turned broadside. I shot, thought I hit her as the arrow went BLOOP. I was shooting downhill from a stand 20 feet up, she was about 8 yards away. I tend to shoot high straight down and close. Anyway, she ran across the creek and eased out of sight in the thick stuff. I thought I heard her lay down even with the turnaround on the spring road. I waited 30 minutes and got down to trail her, I couldn’t see an arrow in the ground from my stand even with binoculars. Well I got down and there was my arrow as clean and blood free as it had been when I launched it. I shot high, she ducked and I missed. I had a blast anyway.