Since you claim to have such miraculous control.
When will you post a video that shows you making
10 overshot flakes in a row.
I'll buy the popcorn for everyone.
BTW How many is it you claim you can do in a row off camera?
Actually, around the time that I reach a point where overshot is possible, I am usually just past the point where coast to coast is possible.
For example, here are multiple coast to coast removals, followed by an overshot removal:
Three coast to coast removals:
Followed by overshot removal:
Showing distinct signatures of tine-made initiations:
By the way, Zuma, this is Colha chert that knappers recommend cooking for 12-15 hours. When Don Crabtree visited Belize, he was awestruck by its hardness. It is super dense. And, I am working it raw.
Anyway, I never said that I can make an overshot flake, any place, any time, and anywhere. I use two overshot technologies. And, both of them are stage specific. Early stage hard hammer overshots tend to be failures, while late stage overshot made with tine, tends to run in the same vain as coast to coast flaking, with some slight differences in flaking modifications. The prep work for an overshot might be slightly different than the prep work for a coast to coast flake. Since I know about these differences in prep work, I can spot them.
I think that we should write Congress, and ask them to create a "Respect Native American Flintknapping Day", as a way to show respect for a +13,000 year old tradition.