Can you show the process?
I hope you show the finished point.
I will do my best as I make some future points to past on some of the techniques. But in a basic approach I do the following.
1. I biface the stone first.
2. I try to take matching flake from each side of the stone to meet in the middle.
3. I remove all ridges to smooth the stone and rounding it in all three axis as to create a lens cross section and lens horizontal section and somewhat lens in profile.
4. Then I cut (ishi stick with pressure) the stone to create diagonal flake scars.
Now the way each of these steps are executed require very particular preparation and technical use of the simple tools. For example during the biface step the natural instinct is to hit the stone hard with the antler to drive long flakes but this will only produce short ones. The solution is to hit softer. Many if the ABO techniques are the opposite of logical and intuitive thought. Using the ishi the same as copper will produce a hollow ground surface and that will not cut a stone. So care must be made to not pull on the ishi but push but not to hard less you over shot the edge. The list of rules goes on and on..