This past weekend a few of us went up the coast to visit some friends, and cut some yew.
Its easy to make an excuse to get up there, such a laid back beautiful spot, I love it.
Our friends 5 year old son Jack has shown lots of interest in archery, ever since I gave a bow to his dad last year.
He cut a yew for me on his property then, even though it was probably just an excuse for him to use his chainsaw.

Heres some photos of the bow.
Its made from piece of old growth yew, as tight rings as yew can get, and a dark heartwood.
Jamie Ravenbeak gifted me a big ol gnarly yew log, and this was a sliver I managed to split off.
Could hardly get this bow out of Jacks hands to take these photos. I think he likes it

It was around 38", and 17# at 19". He can pull it about half that, so he's got some room to grow into it.
Cheers guys thanks for looking

We found well over 100 yew trees, and 3 yew groves. Mostly 2nd, or even 3rd or 4th growth stuff, so much nice clean yew, we left alot standing,
Can you spot the yews?

A beast

Was very surprised to find huge rocky mountain junipers here

And the yew haul, those poles on the right are over 80"