JW what's a hive of bee's go for.
A "package" of bees (1 queen, 3 servant bees, and 3 lbs of workers) costs me over $125 shipped here to South Dakota. And because of where we are located, the apiary sending us the bees will not guarantee live delivery. Too far north, too many miles, too much risk.
The full set of structures needed include a bottom board, two deep hive bodies with 20 frames, a queen excluder, two medium honey supers and their 20 frames, inner cover, telescoping cover runs about $300. Then you will want to get yourself a smoker, about $30. A basic bee jacket with an integrated mesh hood will run you $45, gloves with super long gauntlets are another $15. And the last little thing is a hive tool, trust me, you really want one of these, but they are about $6.
So figure a bit over $500 to get started.
Some folks around here are getting $8 a lb for local honey. I have not tapped that market yet because, frankly, I have been giving away too much of the stuff. I gotta admit, the smile I get when people are handed an unexpected jar of honey makes me feel good inside.