I'm really excited about this bow! Apart from being my second bow made from a raw osage stave, it's also my first shortbow, my first real bending-handle, and super pretty to boot! It's a super sweet shooter, though the handle's a little broad and I needed to learn to compensate in terms of the aim.
Osage wood "Plains Indian" style* flatbow
50" notch-to-notch
approximately 45# @ 28"
Bendy handle, built up with cork and a leather arrow-shelf, wrapped with brown leather cord
Urnes (late Viking era) wolf designs painted with black gouache, coated with one layer of Rustoleum crystal clear enamel over the designs, and two coats of Min-wax tung oil

*The term "Plains Indian style" has come to indicate bows that look like this one, though I imagine that there's a much greater variety of styles and materials than the single moniker implies.