Author Topic: stronges bow on the world  (Read 94444 times)

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2008, 08:01:31 am »
I am not an Warbow Fan at all so I have little to say on these Bows ...besides the Fact that they are almost allways Laminated Bows...and do not constitute being called Primitive Weapons at all.....and here is what a good Friend of Mine has to say on these Behemoths...........

Ya know, I regret dropping out of the PA board cause I'd like to tell those douche bags that are into super high weight bows that they have no business on a Primitive Archery board. It goes against the spirit of primitive wud bows: Hunting is in a wooden bows soul, and primitive hunting is all about economy of materials, the artistry of creating a weapon from the Earth, and extending one's reach in an organic way. The heavy English War Bow has no soul what so ever. It is a thing, a brutish man killer made to penetrate armor. Armor isn't an organic thing. It isn't a hide with fur... It's a dead piece of steel and the tools that are designed to kill a "steel animal" are just as lifeless. The modern archer who aches to pull the heaviest weapon possible, is not a hunter. He is a performer and only interested in besting someone else's ability. This is borne from ego, not from hunger or need, which makes it very anti "primitive". My answer to anyone of this ilk that insults someone that is vested in keeping the true spirit of the bow alive is "go to hell!". John Riggs. You can quote me on that.

I must take exception to this!  A warbow is a primitive bow it is the most simple of weapons. I have two Italain self yew EWB which you both will notice are made form a single piece of 'wud'.  Those bows extend my reach far beyond my natural limits, historicaly in warfare it helped my ancestors  reclaim their English identity. I have no problem with people hunting with bows, we can't in Britian there you go, in fact people would hunt game with the same bows they hunted their two legged enemies and they would fight back. To say that it has no soul is as absurd as it is ill informed. It is the soul of my nation, the representation of the re emergence of the English and Welsh people, the common man with his bent stick exerting his authority over those that would oppress him both as an individual and as a nation. There is no greater need than that of the desire to be a free man rather than a serf, the use of the bow in England lifted the people out of serfdom John Riggs if you fail to understand that then that it is your problem.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 04:07:57 pm by nick1346 »


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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2008, 10:42:30 am »
Well said Nick!

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2008, 12:18:09 pm »
Who in hell is john riggs. well said Nick. marlon

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2008, 03:06:42 pm »
I am not an Warbow Fan at all so I have little to say on these Bows ...besides the Fact that they are almost allways Laminated Bows...and do not constitute being called Primitive Weapons at all.....and here is what a good Friend of Mine has to say on these Behemoths...........

Ya know, I regret dropping out of the PA board cause I'd like to tell those douche bags that are into super high weight bows that they have no business on a Primitive Archery board. It goes against the spirit of primitive wud bows: Hunting is in a wooden bows soul, and primitive hunting is all about economy of materials, the artistry of creating a weapon from the Earth, and extending one's reach in an organic way. The heavy English War Bow has no soul what so ever. It is a thing, a brutish man killer made to penetrate armor. Armor isn't an organic thing. It isn't a hide with fur... It's a dead piece of steel and the tools that are designed to kill a "steel animal" are just as lifeless. The modern archer who aches to pull the heaviest weapon possible, is not a hunter. He is a performer and only interested in besting someone else's ability. This is borne from ego, not from hunger or need, which makes it very anti "primitive". My answer to anyone of this ilk that insults someone that is vested in keeping the true spirit of the bow alive is "go to hell!". John Riggs. You can quote me on that.
laughed my arse off reading that  ;D :D
What a load of Bollock's!

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2008, 06:44:41 pm »
Who in hell is john riggs. well said Nick. marlon
I don't know who he is...but do know what he is ;)
Please feel free to quote me on that.

Offline Kegan

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2008, 07:25:08 pm »
Not much of an EWB enthusiast myself, but do like long, heavy hunting bows and arrows (similiar to the style Hill prefered). My 80#, 70" hickory bow can shoot out to 50 yards with 840 grain hickory arrows without much trouble (it has a tight accuracy... I don't always have the same ;)). If the arrows weighed over a thousand grains and stood at about 80", I would think that this would make accuracy easier- even pulling about 160# or so. Seems that all the power would be compensated for with the extremely stable bow and stable arrows?

Just wondering :). I have yet to test it myself, so I haven't a clue on whether it really works that way.

Offline markinengland

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2008, 07:56:37 pm »
Yankeemongiat please pass this on to you your friend John Riggs,
So John, you dropped out of the Primitive Archer board? Not interested enough in Primitive Archer to stay connected with what is going on? Odd that you feel well enough informed and connected to insult people who are motivated enough to keep in contact with Primitive Archery. Still I expect you asked your friend to post just because you were to afraid to do so yourself and wanted to wind people up behind the protection of your "friend"?
Well, I am not wound up but I am interested in the window that you have given us all into your suprisingly narrow little soul.
You start you comment with an insult. Am I a "douche bag"? What is this thing? If you want to insult me can you not think of something that is a little clever, insulting or funny? What is it that you know about me that gives you the right to decide that I am a douche bag, whatever that is? I had a friend whose surname was Douche but he was a failry nice person so maybe this is a compliment?
So, what do you feel is a John Riggs approved weight for a bow, and exactly what test is needed to decide if we are worthy to have an interest in Primitive Archery? Personally I don't give a "douche bag" what you think. As someone who is interested in many different areas of Primitive Archery and as I beleive in my and your right to free expression and free speech your bigotry is interesting as an insight into your personality and there it ends.
I have seen some truly wonderful war bows. Some of those bows were thousands of years old. The craftsmanship that went into them leaves me speechless. There is spirit in everything for those who are not blinded by a closed mind. Have you ever in your life seen or handled a strong bow? have you seen an archer use one and send an arrow out of sight? Have you seen the same archer in a woodland setting send his arrow thudding into a 3D target 50 yards away? The bow I saw used in this way was a much loved yew selfbow, impefect but used all the same because this archer knew it and trusted it.
You appear to think that the target is as important as the bow or archer. Warbows are not all about armour. and they are not all laminated. If you are going to insult others on the PA board you might have the decency to make sense and get your facts straight.
I make and shoot bows that could be called warbows, just as I make simple primitive bows. I make bows and arrows because I enjoy making them from the materials available to me, and because I enjoy shooting them. I do enjoy using as heavy a bow as I can manage and sending an arrow soaring high into the sky for the simple joy of seeing an arrow fly. There is art, spirit, freedom within an arrow arcing across the sky and I couldn't care less whether your narrow little black-and-white vision of how life should be can recognise that or not.
Apparently you cannot share the thrill of shooting an arrow from a heavy bow. That is your loss. I can and I will enjoy myself with warbows and any other bow I can lay my hands on whether you approve or not.
I do not care about ego. I do not care about what you or any other think of my archery. I shoot because I like archery and I enjoy the company of others who share that. Perhaps if you were to shoot a warbow you may catch the same thrill, or maybe your view of archery is just too limited to see byond your self imposed bigatry?
I feel sorry for you John. I think that somehow you settled for a sadly limited view of what the "true spirit of the bow" really is.
With real sincerity,
Mark in England (Limey and proud of it!)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 08:00:49 pm by markinengland »

Offline deerhunter97370

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2008, 02:46:46 am »
Mark what is a Limey? Joel
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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2008, 03:45:10 am »
Mark what is a Limey? Joel

I am 1/2 Limey.....and also proud of it....Mark......My Great Grandfather on my Fathers Side was .....Jack Johns........from Cornwall, England........I am also 1/4 Ojibwa on my Mothers Side.....and very Proud of that also...then there is the German....Irish and Dutch too!!... And I stepped out of Bounds when I was talked into posting for a Friend ...... As I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion...and I really had none on this subject besides the fact that I know very little about Warbows at all.....I am only schooled on Native American I will stick to what I know and what I am good at....sorry for the Toes I stepped on........and Minwaadizi from the Grandson a Native American Warrior and a Cornish Miner.....
« Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 03:49:25 am by yankeemongiat »
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2008, 09:25:52 am »
I think its a bunch of bull shit. saw your web site those bows look very crappy >:(

MARLON.............Opinions are like BUTT - HOLES...........everyone has one....and yours STINKS!!!!!!!!! J.M.O
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 07:32:34 am by yankeemongiat »
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2008, 04:17:23 pm »
Mark what is a Limey? Joel

North American's called English Sailor's Limey's because it was a rule that every man onboard Royal Navy Vessel's had to drink a ration of Lime Juice every day,no other nation's had such habit's.The Lime juice was to keep away Scurvey what can outbreak when men are couped up for Month's at sea,it worked too! and the nickname stuck  ;D.

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2008, 04:30:01 pm »
You didn't tread on my toes. I just thought your friend quite sad in his limited narrow minded view.
Generally one of the nice things about Primitive Archery and this site in particular is the tolerance and open mindedness. Our cultures may be different but we all share an interest in simple archery, whether that is Native American, English or Far Eastern to name only a few. Very seldom do people revert to imature biggotted name calling and when they do there is often a deafening silence to any post they may make.
Mark in England

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2008, 04:30:54 pm »
Come on freindly young son hangs out here on PA too...Brian
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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2008, 05:22:34 pm »
Yankee, that post was way out of line for a family oriented web sight. Your friend may have said it but you posted it. I have no use for attitudes lie that. Steve

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Re: stronges bow on the world
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2008, 05:25:16 pm »
Well Said steve.