My wife and I were picking up some groceries today and we started talking with one of the employees there, a middle age woman. The subject matter worked around to hunting, I was wearing a camo coat, and it turns out the woman is a bow hunter, wheel bow and crossbow. She is proud to be a hunter and advertises it on her truck, maybe that is a mistake. She was telling us that she came out to her truck one day and someone had written " cold hearted bi**h" on it, she was a bit dismayed at that. Being somewhat older than her I have come across that mentality before but for her it was something new and it hurt. I don't think this happened too long ago as it was still raw and there was some anger there, probably lucky she didn't catch these people in the act.
Just an opinion...It seems society ignores people that commit crimes in the name of animal welfare, they know it is wrong, but for whatever reason they treat these thugs as (Robin hood) instead of your common criminals. The media in a lot of areas will cover stories almost as if they are heroes standing for a just cause.
I hate the thought of animal abuses that some sick SOB's will inflict on animals for entertainment for sick minds. Hunter's for the most part are individuals that respect wildlife, love their pets more so than some of your so-called animal activists. We as hunters have pulled species from the brink of extinction in many cases through our hunting fees, and the willingness to observe the needs for seasons and conservation.
The people that do these types of things are lowlifes in my opinion.