Took a few pics, but not as many as should. About 6 of us made it to Chris' place. Arrows were tapered, bows tillered, and lotsa glue spread.
As usual with these events, I hauled far more projects there than any sensible person would think could possibly be completed!
Here's some pics of the going's on.
Gramps, what are you gonna do with ALL that stuff you've loaded in the car?

On arrival, we were greeted by the puppy greeter.

Chris' barn is a big one. But this lil stove was more than up to the task.

With this sock cap, I do look a bit like Papa Smurf!

There's HOW MANY of these blocks to glue on tonight?

It being a school night, had to leave by 9:00. And that time came all too quickly. More fun 'n' games next time!