Awesome bow and lovely bend!
I've always wondered about those natural overlays, have you done them alot?
I'd be so afraid of the string getting underneath the ring, no fear of that?
Ryan, I have done that a lot. Not only with osage, also with elm, ash, elder and some others I don't remember yet. I also have posted some of these. I haven't any problem yet. And I use really thin strings!
Stunning bow. I take my hat off to you.
But how come you've got our cat??!!
To be honest it is the neighbor's cat, but he (male) is the most of the time here in our garden and we are friends. BTW. this is the wildest Cat I know, he is hunting frogs in my pond and jumps in the water - never seen that with an other cat ...
I've been experimenting with fuming too and have to say it works so well I think my bottles of dye will be lasting quite some time......
Oh yeah Mike, I remeber you have announced it. Let's see your results and let us know your thoughts. Be sure to let the damps go out after the fuming process, the fresh wood is like rubber! I'm always surprized about the changing in wood structure and the super smooth surface.
Can't wait to hear your experience.
Ok what is fuming?
Bob, here is more info:,52210.0.html,48632.0.htmlThat is a very nice bow. Love the color need to know more about this fuming.
See above