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Arrow pass designs

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Marc St Louis:

--- Quote from: Badger on November 10, 2015, 09:28:46 am ---  Beadman, where I seem to run into problems is with the very light arrows, they straighten out pretty quickly but the very brief time period in which they are not straight is when they loose their speed. If we can see the arrow we know it was not a good shot no matter how true it is flying. The arrows you can't see are the ones that came out right. I like the paper tuning, but it has to be done at very close ranges for flight shooting. I am guessing inside of 10 feet or so.

--- End quote ---

Yes and the problem with light flight arrows is they are fragile and you can easily "lose" a good arrow on the first shot

The making of good arrows is as much of an art as a good bow like's been said.Because of you two guys'[Marc & Steve] I've been able to squelch FG shooters myths that these self and sinewed bows don't have good cast.That these wood bows are'nt just a novelty to be hung up on the wall.Kuddos to you guys for sharing your experiences and the ongoing trek to improve.
I was wondering Steve what type of wood do you usually make your arrows out of?

I vote stiff arrow and center shot. An arrow having to work harder to recover is losing flight distance in my oppinion. Now how do we get dence stiff and light????   There lies the answer. ;D

 I very seldom post on here but the fist few years. When I first started building bows. I knew someone that build flight bows. I copyed his bows some. He came up with the conclusons.

  He build his bows 16 th or so passed center shot and make or built up as far back on the shelf at the belly. So the arrow made as lease contact with the shelf as possable.

  I shot 5 different bows I made, same arrows with that bow.  Shot as normal then built up the self as far back to the belly as possabe.

  With out exception every bow with a built out shelf,out shot the normal shelf bow.

  I also found out that a clean release is #1 in flight shooting.

  I've out shot my friend with his own bows 8,10 different bows every time.

  Try tis release, this was how HOWARD HILL RELEASED. Release with your first finger first, do this your other 2 fingers open automic'ly. Takeing the thinking about snapping your fingers open.

  This is a release that comes naturally, not though involed. I've help dozzens of people through the years with suckie release's.

  It only takes a try or so to find out. If your third finger burns after your release you've did it. You can't get a cleaner release.

I guess really to be truly center shot the arrow pass needs to be 3/16" passed center so none of my self bows are ever truly center shot.Very straight in line draw back of string before release is needed by me and the bow held loosely in hand for no torque for the cleanest release I can get.Shooting lots of arrows shows by my arrow flight whether I'm holding the bow correctly or not.Everything has to be right besides the spine of the arrow to get good arrow flight by me.


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