Aside from bows, we all seem to gravitate toward campfires, good food, and almost universally, dogs. I have had three of my own in my entire 52 years of life. My life, generally speaking, has been pretty unsettled and having a dog would not have been fair to the dog for the most part. So I have gotten by borrowing what time I could with other people's dogs, but it just ain't the same.
Well, here's a thread where we can post photos of the family members that often are the best behaved and most loyal.

Lena, born late 2012 somewhere on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Fostered her part of the summer of 2013, never meant to keep her. Dirty dog weaseled into my heart and won't come out. Best guess? Greyhound or whippet with some kind of cattle dog. Whip thin and