Wow thanks so much everyone! Lots of excellent advice here and glad this is a tackleable challenge.
Pearl and Pat, excellent insight. Im going to have her draw without an arrow until she is comfortable with the grip. I also think dhe will like a tab better than the glove I was having her use. Good tip DC.
Timbo, I felt the same way! Trying to adjust someone elses form has got me trying to fix all the weird stuff I was doing.
Del, I was actually considering this myself! I suppose if your draw is consistant and you are accurate it doesnt matter what angle the bow is and most importantly, it looks pretty cool

heck I think it would be useful to shoot from prone with the horizontal position! Ill keep my mind open so she can have fun.
leOn, I learned to shoot with figertips only as well and am switching back and forth between that and hook trying to decide wich feels more natural. When I tried to get my wife to draw with just the tips her hand turned into a petrified vulture talon (Deathclaw!) so I had her switch as it was obviously not comfortble for her.
JW, you reminded me of a time I took her and her little sister shooting, and the younger one refused to release the string when she finally hit anchor. It was hilarious, as she thought it would leterally explode. Good times.
Sorry for the lengthy response but thanks everyone for input. Ill let you know the results