Ok, Here's my progress for today. I removed the clamps and cleaned up and rough shaped the handle

Then I laid out the new profile on the back and worked down close to the lines.

And finally, I further refined the handle and took the limbs to a rough floor tiller with my belt sander. Here's a side profile. I don't have a pic of it bending, 'cause there's no one around to take one.

I probably won't do much more today, but I'm gonna try to get this one done pretty quick. In case anyone is interested, I'm shooting for 15#@17". The bow will be 40" ntn with about a 6 1/2" handle area and 1 1/4" wide for about 2/3 of the limbs tapering to 1/4" tips.
If anyone one has any thoughts or critiques, I welcome them.