Nice lil bow, Dylan. And drawn to 26. Congrats!
How challenging do you find it to string the bow with those "cord" nocks sittin' on limb?
p.s. - the pipe's new owner is VERY happy with it.
thanks knoll

its rather awkward to string and most archers will probably flip there lid to see me do it

i put the loop on the bottom limb put that tip on the ground and bend the bow with my knee and a hand on the top limb till i can put the top loop on

and thanks for that p.s. on the pipe, makes me happy to know that i made something that someone else is enjoying

Nicely done. How is the honey suckle as a bow wood? I cut a couple 3" dia. staves of it about 4-5 years ago and it checked on me terribly before I got a chance to try it. We have acres of the stuff in this area, thickets you have to crawl on your knees to get through.
Again, nice work on that little shorty.
i think it has a lot to offer as a bow wood seems to be very tension strong (but when it go's you know about it that's for sure) and i have never had it chrysle(spelling?) on me

the most successful way of seasoning it i have found is to pic the side you want as your back seal the ends and reduce the belly side down to or most of the way to the pith, any checking you get after that should be very minor

i have also had some some good luck cutting it in the middle of a cold winter(a foot or two on the ground for at least two months) wood cut at that time i have dried in the round with out to many problems.
if you have a piece big enough to get two staves from splitting can be problematic(it does not like to split straight when it is green) but i recently tried a new(to me) way of guiding the split. i drilled a 1/4in hole every two inches down what i wanted to be my split line and opened it up with a axe. seemed to work fairly well
