I think think the Golden Eagles, have the black tipped tail feathers. We have a lot of Golden eagles out here. Big Boogers! Too bad you don't have any Tern Feathers...... Then your arrows would Tern, Tern, Tern, tis the season, Tern, Tern, Tern ......

sorry. I hope your back gets straightened out. I torqued mine a couple of days ago, got it mostly better, but I am going to see my Chiropractor, tomorrow. I was taking a bag of feed out of the back of my truck, and tossed it on right shoulder, and took it into the house, and then went back to get the other bag, and tossed it on my left shoulder, and tossed too much, and it kinda went a little too far and I caught it, and torqued my middle back. Went to the lumber yard, and bought a bunch of 2x4's, and torqued it again. Was walking like Frankenstein. Hurry up and finish those arrows, camera, pictures.