Hey guys, I wanted to get your expert guidance.
I was using dry heat to get some twist out of the limb of an Osage bow I'm working on. I had just gotten everything clamped in place and was considering heating the other limb to see if I could get some more back set when I heard a loud POP. Upon inspection I found that the riser had cracked about an inch down the fadeout.

It's not a big crack but does go all the way through the riser. This picture was taken while the bow was still clamped, after I removed the clamps the crack closed up but is still noticeable. So my question is what is the best way to deal with this? Should I just glue it back together, or wrap the crack with another material, or cut the handle, glue another piece of wood on and make a laminated handle? Or should I do something else entirely? Or did I just make firewood?

On the bright side I did get the twist out of the limb.

Also I noticed a crack on the edge of the back of the bow, on the limb I wasn't untwisting.

Do I need to back this bow? I think I can narrow the limb a bit and eliminate the crack if I need to. Is there a better way to deal with this?
Thanks in advance, I humbly await your advice, opinions and criticisms.