Now that I have set the bar nice and low, hi guys!
So I have a very elementary question. I just cant make sense of this in my mind. Maybe you can help me out.
So say you have a dried stave. If you tied a string to it and pulled it to 28" it would pull very heavy and then break in half.
Then on the other end of the spectrum, that same piece when done right would pull easily to 28" at your desired weight.
So as you remove belly material, the bow gets lighter and more 'bendy'. Say you remove more and more until you can finally pull it to 28". Its now at 45#. How would you have made that bow 55# without it breaking? Do you see what I mean?
Lets say we had an 80# bow. How does that stiff thing not break when pulled?
Sorry I hope you follow me, I am having a hard time putting to words what is tripping me up.

Thanks for the help!