Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

Adam Karpowicz, Ottoman Turkish Bows Book

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you can get the edition of the german translation... 8)

That is the number you need:  ISBN: 978-3-938921-19-7

I just finished reading the version for Kindle and this book is a great resource but I also suggest Yav Dag on YouTube as he has a 6 part series on making hornbows.
I have begun to make 5 of them in the Turkish tradition. I have both Water buffalo and gemslok horn, maple air dried wood and lots of sinew. I have cut the sals and have bent all but 2 sals to date. I steam bent them. 2 Waterbuffalo horns are flat but the gemslok horn is in milk currently as I hope this softens them as the steam did not do much to get them flat. I suggest the use of water buffalo horns over gemslok horn. The sals are 27 inches long and 3/8 of an inch thick. I am not sure why the book says they should be 1/2 to 3/4 thick when the final thickness should be no more than 3/16? Try bending 3/4 inch maple in a sal form like I will post in a few days.
I am struggling with the wood to use for the siyahs. Any suggestions? The only ones I think make sense are mullberry and maybe cherry.
Will post pics of my progress in a few days.

Koreans use mulberry... should be good
Layered bamboo?


I am starting the horn bow project too...
For the cores I have
-vertical grain bamboo flooring boards cut into the 5mm thick and 30mm wide strips
- and for Second bow is the acacia wood cut into 5mm plates too (exact vertical grain), strips are 30mm wide
-handle is acacia wood 25mmx 25 mm crosscut strip

I wont bother with steam bending thick hard wood.... ;)
I decided to make glued plywood siyahs  :)  - from 5mm accacia or bamboo plates glued in the form. I will bend 3 strips together to get the exact thickness.
I already made a wooden form - exact copy from pictures of the turkish bows in museum

good luck
check out as well, there seem to be more hornbow postings over there... and more 'build alongs'. People seem to tend to use ash. Maybe kinds of maple. Maple for the core, at least...?


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