I have often wondered about just how far into a ring someone can scrape without going through it and still be considered "unviolated". I know that I have read about yew having major violations and being just fine, and then on the other hand about being meticulous around osage knots and pins.
So, I am still unsure on this topic. And since I have one with just such a spot now being worked on, it seems time to ask.
Can I delve slightly lower than pristine on an 1/8" osage ring at one small section of, say 1/2" wide by 2 or 3 inches long on a bow back without going through that ring, and be considered intact on that ring or does this mean it is violated, or is it up to personal interpretation?
And either way, wouldn't this still hold up if feathered out right with surrounding area?
Thanks for your time gents,