Hello Bowyer's,
Thanks to this site, with all the comments and questions I found here, I was able to create my very first bow. I'm very proud off it

. I have to admit that I had two failed attempts before. I blame it at a bad grain board (white oak). I knew it was far from perfect but I was just to stubborn and wanted to try it right away. Now I found a good local wood dealer who was really interested in my project. He suplied me with a perfect ash board out off which I made this bow. (I already ordered a next board

Although I was aiming for a 30# bow it came out at 25#. Since I am tall with long arms I made an 72 inch bow ntn to make it easier to get to 32inch draw. I found this formula on the net that supposedly comes out of the bowyer's bible. If I follow that formula i should reduce the tips by about 1.3 inch on each side. This way I should reach my target weight of 30#.
My question now is, would my bow be able to take the extra bend if I cut 1.3 inch of the tips? Or should I leave it as it is?
To my eye the tiller is perfect (I used the gismo), but if anyone spots a fault please let me know.
At the handle the bow is 1.7 inch and it tapers to 1/2 inch at the tips.
The string alignment is a little off centre but i did that somewhat on purpose so the string lines up with the bow rest.
There is a set of 3 inches and 0.7 inch string follow. I thought about heat treading it but I haven't got any experience with it and I don't want to mess the bow up. So that's out of the question. I read on this site that you should heat tread in advance so maybe I'll try that on my next project.
I don't really notice any hand shock but I haven't got much experience shooting a bow. I've fired about a 100 arrows now and to me it shoots accurate and smooth.
My question again, should I shorten the tips or leave it like this?
Maybe a side question: I live in Belgium near Brussels, does anyone know a Bowyer in my vicinity?
Many thanks in advance
