There's an old joke about the guy driving in Ireland...
He pulls up and asks a guy at the road side
"Can you tell me the way the way to Ballybogy?"
the guy replies...
"Ah, to be sure If I were you I wouldn't start from here!"
(stereotypes of other nationalities are also available)
That sums up where you are with the bow.
I've been making bows for about 55 years... I've just made my first Mollegabet... dunno why people insist on trying it as their first bow... total madness. Don't back a bow with glass... if you want to back it for security use rawhide.
All the glass has done is ensure the belly failed!
Keep it simple...
Make it 6" longer than you think sensible and 50% wider.
Aim for 40# draw weight and if you are luck you'll end up with a shootable bow at about 20#
Take what you've learned as good experience and move on.
You've learned more than all the 'armchair expert's who never even try
I often say making a bow is easy... making a good bow is hard.
Aim for something simple and not too ambitious to start with, even a well made 35# bow can be fast. One of my fave's is such a bow.
Yeah... "mended beyond repair"... I make myself laugh sometimes