This past weekend at the Elm Hall shoot a bunch of us were allowed to cut elm on the property with the intentions of making a bow from it,and then donating it back to the club next year for there raffle table. Id like for all those participating to post there progress here(but its not obligatory). It wood be neat to see what everyones cooking,and whats becoming of everyones staves. And hopefully this will help generate interest for the raffle and club. A group of us went out to cut,and we were like a bunch of giddy school girls,or like kids in a candy store free to choose anything they want.
I found mine growing right next to a larger pine tree that caused it to grow straight up and clean clean. Paul and ryan took sections from further up from the trunk section i took. Waste not want not. I was able to split mine in half,and the bark peeled off easily. Here they are after i got home. I get two shots to get one right.

Depending on some variables i might try a his and hers combo? lets see and hear what everyone else is doing....