Author Topic: Favourite Glues for Takedown Sleeves - Wood to Metal bonding and gap filling  (Read 1400 times)

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Offline bubbles

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Title pretty much says it - What do you guys use when making these?
I have G2 Epoxy and resorcinol on hand currently, and I've seen 2 ton epoxy mentioned in other threads on the subject.
What do you think would be best?


Offline Accipiter

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I don't have the most experience on this subject, but I used JB-weld for my inaugural takedown, and despite the horrendous abuse I put it through while trying to get a good sleeve/sleeve fit, the wood/metal bond never complained in the slightest. I use JB weld on my knife handles too, and it seems to be pretty bulletproof.

Offline tallpine

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I have used JB wield also, I used it on four bows with no problems. Clean everything with Acetone and score it good with a hacksaw blade. Also make sure your stave is dry, if the stave shrinks even the slightest, it will get loose, no matter what kind of glue you use

Offline bubby

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Mt-13 smooth on makes it
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Offline bubbles

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Are these the ones?

Offline Weylin

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I use the Smooth on. good stuff.

Offline vinemaplebows

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I use a lot of 2-ton, but not on will not hold. Try a small spot on metal, before you go forward with using it. JB should work well.
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Offline PatM

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System # 3  Metl Weld works well. I have some that you can have when I get back home.

Offline bubby

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Bubbles the bottom is what i use now got it from carson
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
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Use junk glue on a sleeve set just once and you never will again. Talk about a waste of time and energy drilling and digging that limb back out of the sleeve after it creeks, cracks and groans on you. Id suggest MT13. Its pricey for good reason.
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