It's taken me a long time to round up some good pictures, but I just wanted to share the wonderful bow, 'Miss Carya', I received from Drewster. About two weeks ago I had a long triangular package show up at my house, and what do you know, there was a bow inside! Just as tall as I am (66") and a perfect draw weight/length (45# @ 27"). Graceful lines, light in the hand, my favorite colors for the handle wrap and string, and it didn't hurt that it has a latin tree name. I'm also pretty stoked that its hickory, which isn't a tree species I can come by out on the west coast.
Got my first free time and place to shoot it today, and I was super impressed. No shock, hits hard and incredibly accurate compared to the bows I've made so far. I haven't even practiced with it yet and I'm getting nice tight groupings. I don't know if I'll get my act together for fall hunting season this year, but if I do this bow will do the job and then some!
Thanks again Drew, this ones a keeper!