Been messing with this piece of character buckthorn a bit at a time over the past month and here's what I ended up with. Simple d-bow from a piece I salvaged from a burn pile a couple years ago. Buckthorn self bow 58" ntn and pulling somewhere in the low to mid 40#'s at my 24" draw. Top limb was pretty straight and clean but the bottom was your more typical twisty, bumpy, knotty and crooked stuff that is common within this wood. Shoots decent but wouldn't be the first one I'd grab off my rack on my way out the door to hunt.
I wanted to keep it simple and primitive looking so just did a earth pigment and beeswax finish on it. I did this even though a native american of old would not have had this invasive species of wood available and if he did he likely would not have wasted his time on such a crooked and wacky stave.

Thanks for taking a look.