Thanks Pat. May try it as a novelty anyway.
Thanks Matt, will try that.
I'm sure it is Mike. Typcal more rounded lobed leaf shape and winter flowering, etc. There's one right outside my bedroom window. I was a professional tree climber/groundskeeper in my foolish youth, so I know trees pretty well.
I have hazelnut here, too, but very small shrub generally. chipmunks love the weird shaped winged nuts on that. Both grow near each other -- the witchhazel generally much bigger and closer to water.
I looked hard before finding specs on witchhazel wood -- here they are for what it's worth:
Hamamelis virginiana (dry specs)
Specific gravity .61
Hardness 1530 lbf
Modulus of Rupture 15,200 lbf/in2
Modulus of Elasticity 1,46,000 lbf/in2
Compression Parallel 6740 lbf/in2
Compression Perpendicular 1370 lbf/in2
WorkMaxLload 21.0 in-lbf/in3