Hey guys,
I have 3 real clean mulberry staves I'd like to trade at MoJam. Between 36-39" long. They have been reduced quite far, and will be "rapid seasoned" 2 months by MoJam. As reduced as they are, they shouldn't be real far off from being ready to work. They have clean backs, medium rings and almost no twist or reflex/deflex warp at all. I will post pictures later today.
I'm interested in just about anything, so post what you'd be willing to trade if you're interested. Maybe some knapped points, a full length stave, a simple primitive quiver.. I'm open to anything primitive.
I'm surrounded by mulberry and hackberry.. they're almost invasive around here. I'd be willing to go out and find another 4-6 fresh cut billets of mulberry or fresh cut hackberry staves to add to the pot.