I finally put together a bamboo backed bow, and here it is...
66" nock to nock
53# @ 28"
Flipped the tips slightly after it was all glued up
Glued up with Unibond -800 (formerly Urac-185)
water buffalo horn overlays on tips and handle build up.
The strikeplate is inlayed ivory form old piano key tops
Rest is of cork topped with leather scrap
I had trouble getting the stained effect I wanted on the bamboo, so I gave up and instead applied shellac tinted with leather dye, and applied with a paint brush to get the black, then did used a little titanium oxide pigment in shellac dabbed on with a cheap little craft paint brush. When it was all said and done, I realized I had ripped off Weylin Olive's evenstar bow finish
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,40669.0.html I hope you take it as a compliment Weylin
The arrows made for the bow are 30" BOP, 11/32" tail tapered to 5/16" nocks. Shafts are Douglas fir, from Surewood Shafts. 125 grn point on 65-70# spine, and these 550 grn arrows fly like darts out of this bow. I really like how this bow performs. I haven't shot it through a chrono, but I am guessing it surpasses any selfbow I have made.
While it does perform, I have to say that I like the process of building a selfbow much more than these glue-ups...but I might have to make a couple more...maybe I will learn to like it