Thank you fellas, appreciate the comments.
Always....The area I'm cutting ironwood seems to have a few of these. I dont know why they are colored this way. The wood seems even more dense than normal and if it has the red heart wood it is usually not this far out toward the cambium. It was just too pretty to not try it.
Bushboy, Drewster....thank you gentlemen
Idaho, means a lot, thank you
Jon....ya hit the nail right on the head bud...except it takes 2 just to get stupid enough for the old man to think that jerkin it back is fun...and whole bunch more to keep doin it

this one may need a home
Don, you got no room to talk mister !!!! I seen that monster you created and you would have to scrape on it for a year just to get DOWN to 65#
Simon, thank you for the nice words....I will get those pictures posted later today sir.