Anyone pick rasberrys,(PURPLES GONE REDRASBERRY NOW) I've planted gallons of seeds the last 5 springs here I've lived here. I've done this for years everywhere I've lived ringed to many food plots to remember.
Really easy to do just get a pointy stick make a hole put in a berry step it shut it'll come up. Next summer but they won't have berry untill the second year 3 if you have sucky soil. I do'nt do it for me, I learned it for helping my grandady he did it every spring growing up to his death. He'd do anything for turkeys.
He did it for the turkeys and everything else that use's them for a food scorce. Me included, me and WENDY started picking a few days ago, getting a little more than a gallon. Not ripen most hav'nt even poped open yet. Only half last gallon last evenigng but give it a week as long as the sun dose it's part.
There wo'nt be enough day light in a day to pick all the ones we looked at thats not even poped open.
WENDY'S little mutt dog was along and found a black snake at the edge of the hay field we were at. Wendy took pics.,vidio of me catching him he was longer than me tall I'm 59. He was majorly strong for only 6 feet.
First thing my old lady said kill him and put him on a bow. I've did 3 black snakes and they look cool but I did'nt wan't to kill him.
I like copper heads with black snake bans added best. I've used snake skin bans of all kinds of snakes for years.This always gives your bow a little class.