Hey everyone, first time posting here! I'd just like to get a little advice for some options that you guys know already work besides a pyramid design? I have some nice pieces of Hickory and Maple, split with the bandsaw from two original boards. The Hickory pieces are 70'' and the Maple are 72'', with both having plenty of width--about 3'' across for the whole length, an they're both 3/4'' thick. I know some of you more traditional fellas won't like this, but i'd like to put a sturdy riser block on them and cut a center-or-close-to-center shelf on them. The thing is I don't know how much working limb length I need on both of these kinds of wood, so I don't want to make the stiff riser too long or too short. Can I go to 8''? Can I go to 14''? Also I know a pyramid limb design would work, but I'm not sure I like the sharp slope and I'm curious what other options are out there.
Also, the boards have a slight curve, and I'm having trouble deciding if i should choose the belly such that it has a natural reflex, or the other way and then flip the tips with some steam bending. And I have a feeling this could be different between the two wood species. Any advice and tried-and-true dimensions would be nice! I'd like at least two of the bows to come out at around the 30# range at 26-28'' for my girlfriend and her sister, but i'd be open to building the others a bit heavier.
From lurking these forums, I have a feeling a lot of you will say, "do whatever you want, if it works write it down." I know the only difference between science and screwing around is writing it down, and many of you have notebooks filled with successful and failed builds to draw from. I'm just hoping you won't mind sharing a little!
Of course, I promise to post pictures as I go