Author Topic: First bow and a question.  (Read 3216 times)

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Offline cam188

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First bow and a question.
« on: February 04, 2008, 03:45:55 pm »
I am doing a red oak board bow and I have it roughed out I am going to start tillering soon. My question is when I take off say 40 strokes am I going to remove material all the way from the handle to the tip? or am I going from handle to knock, how thin can the bow be at the knocks? etc. The bow is 72 inchs so I am making it forgiving. since it is my first bow I am shooting for 40-45 pounds and 28-29" DL. Any help is appreciiated. I have read most of the builld alongs just didn't see the specific with where to remove material from.

I realize high spots or hinges need to be addressed differently.

Offline Badger

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Re: First bow and a question.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 04:15:36 pm »
Cam, most don't measure how much they are taking off. Just simply take off where the wood is stiff and don't take off where the wood is bending too much. You will most likley end up somewhere around 1/2" thick for most of your limb but this can vary quite a bit depending on the board you have. Do you have another bow around that you can compare it to as you start to get it bending?. If not just keep removing wood until a firm push allows the wood to bend a bit. Once you get to this stage start removing wood more slowly and checking more often. try to keep both sides even as possible. You can sight down the limb as you push it to the floor and get a pretty good idea how it is bending. If you want to check the draw weight you are at you can use a long string on the tiller tree but this wont let you accurately judge the tiller until you actually have it braced. Take your time and post pics here of your progress and ask questions as you go. Godd Luck!! Steve

Offline DanaM

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Re: First bow and a question.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 04:32:18 pm »
Check out Jawge's site lots of good stuff on it. Link below.
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Offline cam188

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Re: First bow and a question.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2008, 05:00:31 pm »
Cam, most don't measure how much they are taking off. Just simply take off where the wood is stiff and don't take off where the wood is bending too much. You will most likley end up somewhere around 1/2" thick for most of your limb but this can vary quite a bit depending on the board you have. Do you have another bow around that you can compare it to as you start to get it bending?. If not just keep removing wood until a firm push allows the wood to bend a bit. Once you get to this stage start removing wood more slowly and checking more often. try to keep both sides even as possible. You can sight down the limb as you push it to the floor and get a pretty good idea how it is bending. If you want to check the draw weight you are at you can use a long string on the tiller tree but this wont let you accurately judge the tiller until you actually have it braced. Take your time and post pics here of your progress and ask questions as you go. Godd Luck!! Steve

Thanks Steve that is what I needed. I have been reading the link in the post below. I have another build along and then it says count stroke I guess once it seems perfectly even than you will want to do that to each side. The 1/2' thick is another measurement I was looking for just as a guide not a steadfast number. I built a tillering tree yesterday with a pulley and whatnot. and flexed the limbs to about 4inches and they seemed fairly even. I now need to get a scale and some different string lenghs so I can get to a point and brace it. and then I can start with some more removeval.

Unfortunately I don't have any other traditional bows this will be my first I am a compound shooter and love it. But I like the idea of making my own as well. I have been woodworking since I was a kid but havn't made anything in awhile so this is really fun and rewarding for me.

Thanks for the info.

Offline Auggie

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Re: First bow and a question.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 11:15:11 pm »
You might try 3/8" at the tips tapering back to the handle  1/2 or so.And being 72" you could always shorten it to get 40 to 50 if you dont get your poundage the first time.I also like Rudderbows board bow dvd,its about 20$,worth it if youre gonna build a few of these before trying a stave.
laugh. its good for ya

Offline cam188

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Re: First bow and a question.
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 05:35:18 pm »
Thanks for the input I now need to just get out and do it. Got some strings and need to finish my long string tiller. Auggie I will look into the DVD thanks.
I do plan on making a few of these before I jump into  a stave.
