Since my last blowup
i have been pondering what to do
with a stave that sidewinder was kind enough to send to me
a few months back.
Its about 55" long and has a profile thats begging to be
cut in half because the ends are near 1 1/4 wide while the
center is may be 3/4
My plan is to cut in half and add a steel 3/4" square center
at about 8-10" in lenght and build up a riser around the steel.
but before i do, I wondered what I might expect from limbs
that after cleaning up are 3/8" wide at tips and can be just as thick
and say 1 1/8 wide at the riser, i think i can get 5/8 in thickness near the
riser and figure the limbs will be 24" long (could be a tad longer if I glue up tips)
as I never worked with osage I have zero clue as
1) what poundage I can get ? and more so
2) how many inches might these limbs bend ?
before i start I figured someone here might be able to take a stab at the above. .
Thanks in advance for the almost infinite wisdom this place brings