Great times! J.W. is that a Cottonwood tree stump? man, I need to get a couple of big hunks of the bark. Tim, are you heading out towards western Montana? Stop, in, take a shower, have a beer, use the rest room, say hi to my deer, and turkeys, and Andy the Cat, that owns me. Seriously, stop in Thompson Falls, Mt. and say hi, and have a beer, or cup of tea, coffee, lighter fluid, benzene, or a soda. I don't have any sodas, but if that is what you want, I will get some. I didn't know you lived in the Cape. I would have stopped in and said howdy, before I came out here. I am now in my Happy Place. You are welcome to stop for awhile. I wanted to stop and say hey to J.W., when I passed through "Vapid City", but Andy, said if they have a dog, I am going to stop, so I had to keep driving. Anyway, glad you got to meet up with J.W. and the rest of the misfits, that sign in on here, now and then. Sounds like you had a ball. I will have to show J.W. how I call turkeys here. It's, cracked corn, and Here, turkey, turkey, turkey, I have use my leg to move them out of the deer food, unless a deer, is smacking them. No hoofing, up dark, dangerous, steep, icy cold, slushy, mountains, and dripping wet under growth, and other silly, turkey hunters, each calling each other in closer, and closer. Should I ever decide to violate the safe zone of my property, it would not be difficult to harvest a turkey of my choice, but it is not that difficult to harvest one farther, up the mountain, or other parts of the area. One rancher, let a turkey hunter, camp out on his property, and he was doing his best for about three days, and was constantly being frustrated. The rancher, finally went up to him, and asked him if wanted to get a nice tom, and he excitedly said yes, so the rancher, put him in his truck, and drove, back towards, the ranch house, and stopped by the fence, and there was a flock of about twenty or more birds, right next to the fence, and the rancher, asked him if any of them suited him. Anyway, thanks, J.W. and the rest of the gang, for an entertaining read. Sorry, you didn't replenish your feather, and wing bone larder, but there is always next year. Just don't tell J.W. that Hoot Owl tastes like chicken.
