i just finished making one like that,, I wrapped it in linen at the curves like Simon had on one very similar,, it was sister billets so the opposing curves are beautiful,,I had put it aside like you until I saw Simon address the issue with the linen wrap,,mine had been on the shelf for 20 years,, I have shot it alot now,, I had my doubts as well,, but it has held and shoots great,,,it is not a heavy bow about 45 or 50 @ 28,, I dont think I would go for a heavy bow with that kind of issue,, just too much torque on the curvy area,,
I coated the linen with hide glue to get it to shrink tighter,, so far so good,, I am glad I finished it up and am going to put a snake skin wrap on back and belly so the wrapped area does not show,, and I think the curves will look nice with the snake skin,, good luck with yours,, there is always an element of risk with a challenging piece of wood,,,but sometimes it works out,, hope yours works out and shoots as well as mine,,,,,