Insurance for us is about $800.00 a year. Ice machine, [we just bought 3 years a go by the way] was $3,500.00.[500 lbs a day] you think that is a lot but it's only 50 bags and can go quick with a large crowd camping. Nice to have but not a must have to start with. Targets, well you can spend ever how much you want. We are buying 70 Rineharts this year, don't even want to tell you what the cost of that is or you may change your mind,but sometimes at the IBO shoots you can buy a set of 20 after the event is over for a very good price, like half or more off.[check their web site for events in your area] We have done that 3 times but decided this year to just keep them all. You have got some good ideas but like I and others have said you have to start small and build as you go. It just cost to much to do it all at one time. We also Incorporated the club and set it up as non profit, so no tax returns to fill out, just keep good records and no 1 member can profit from what the club does, that helps protect the land owner, which in our case id me.
Everyone wants to start out big but believe me it is better if it starts small and you can add and grow as the numbers do. lots of growing pains.
Insurance: Talk to MANY insurance agents in your area and even research online as well. Bargains can be found, but not easily. If you can pull it off with no claims for several years, ASK the carrier to review your policy. Our non-profit got a major discount after 3 yrs of no claims (especially when we explained to the carrier that we had given 330 public appearances to over 30,000 people in that time without so much as a hitch. They quickly realized we knew what we were doing)
501(c)3 Non-profit status is not impossible. In fact, seeing how you have not collected or spent the first dollar, it will never be easier than it is right now. Once you have been in existence and have handled money, it becomes exponentially more difficult as you have to dredge up records and everything better balance out to the penny!!! Pappy mentioned incorporating, too. THAT is the single most important thing you can do. It ain't all that hard either. But it will save your butt in case of some legal trainwreck. You need that firewall to protect yourself and your family from someone out for blood. It is not a "get out of court free" card. The firewall between you and financial ruin is thinner than a wet tissue IF you diddle the books to financially benefit yourself or otherwise use the organization for your own purposes.
Our non-profit benefitted from a small business incubator on the campus of a local college. It exists to help small businesses get started, but it also helps non-profits and other organizations with paperwork, pointers on organization, legalities, etc. Contact your state's department of revenue, or state's attorney office for directions. Good chance you have something similar down your way and they don't charge for their services!