Author Topic: Osage shortbow/kids bow, my first (somewhat) successful self bow.  (Read 2324 times)

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Offline Julian

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I made this bow from a sliver of osage I got from a badly split, short log.
I think it turned out ok considering, but I'm unsure if it'd be possible to get a longer draw out of the bow when it's only around 45" ntn.

Here are some photos; constructive feedback very welcome.

The wrapping is around a troublesome knot in the top limb that developed a crack. I superglued it and wrapped it in string serving, dunno if that was the best way to do it or if it will even make a difference but the bow only tics if it's overdrawn. It stacks very hard after that.

Offline bubby

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Re: Osage shortbow/kids bow, my first (somewhat) successful self bow.
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2015, 09:36:17 pm »
Ok, the top limb is bending to much right at the wrap and not much anywhere else, probably why it failed at the wrap,  the bottom limb has a square tiller, basically hinged both limbs but in a differant way, try and get the limb on top bending from the wrap out and the bottom inner two thirds
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
The few the proud the 27🏹