yes, learning they do require. i am excersizing the limbs 30 times in between each scraping to get them a true read and used to bending. when it is all the way i want it, i have done a bunch of 1/4 draw shots, to half, 3/4 and then full draw shots. this is the way i learned (fronm books) to teach the limbs to unload quickly.
one thing i do not really understand. ---why does a short string show tiller better than a long one? the way im seeing it, if the string is loose and hangs down to say 5 inches on my tillering tree, and then i i have the bow bending to 20 inches, can't i consider it that i am seeing 15 inches of true tiller? or does the string angle from it being loose change it that much because it is pulling form a slightly higher angle?