All done with this bow now. I've been shooting it heavily for the past two weeks and am very pleased with how it came out. Draws and shoots smooth as silk, good cast, clean arrow flight and accurate. Once in a while a guy can get lucky and get a bow made that just feels alive in the hand while shooting it.

For whatever reason this one is that kind of bow for me, everything just feels right when I send an arrow off. Took my friend Paul's advice and heat treated it heavily prior to final tweaks of the tiller and getting it
out to full draw. Snaps right back into its unbraced reflex when unstringing after each shooting session.
Some stiff areas showing in the full draw due to location of some knots but seeing how it shoots so well
and is not taking additional set anywhere I'm not gonna mess with anything.
Heres the specs and the last pics of the finished bow;
56" ntn
45# @ 24"
Simple deerskin leather thong wrap at arrow pass with string of beads tied on.
1 3/16" wide at handle / 1/2" wide at tips
beeswax finish
Thanks for looking