Author Topic: start of this years ironwood (hhb) harvest, pretty straight stuff up here  (Read 2930 times)

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Offline half eye

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Every body knows how bent up horbeam gets but out in the big woods this what I got to put up with ya it's a real bummer but somebody has to use it, right 8)

Sorry, had to show off a little bit. ::)

PS: The last couple pics are some of that nasty hard dead standing (outdoor seasoned >:D)

Offline half eye

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some more

Offline half eye

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last 2

Offline burchett.donald

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  Nice looking poles right there Rich ;)  Can't wait to see ya bend them...
Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison;

Offline RyanR

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Good looking ironwood there. Don't forget to get some dogwood too. It's easy to spot right now.

Offline okie64

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Very nice Rich! Ive yet to find an hhb tree worth using around here, most I find have too much twist to them.

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Looking good, Rich. Enjoy. Jawge
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Offline Webradbury

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Is this the species that has little slivers of bark that peel up and flake off when touched? I can't tell friends m the pics. If it is, I know a few straight ones I'm going to cut. I think it's hhb but I'm not sure as it isnt common in eastern nc.

Off topic but I have to ask....are those bullet holes in your shop door!?! Lol

Offline Badly Bent

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Looks like the hhb grows big and straight up there, you feeding 'em something Rich. :D   Nice harvest.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.

Offline half eye

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Well you fellas are being really nice on my smart butt post >:D

This is just what I could haul in 1/2 day, got litterly hundreds of these and even some straight ones thats 14" in Diameter....but I dont know if I got enough to carry out a 6 footer .....but I am cogitating on it as we speak.
    Forgot to say the smallest end of the smallest stick is 2-1/2 in dia. and I'm trying to stay under 6-7 inches cause @ one is a 200 yd carry, or in old guy terms a distance of one beer.

Don, some of it is goin to a little place near Sumter, guy there needs a work out.

Ryan, never looked for any up here, but there sure is a lot of red osier for arrows bud.

Okie, maybe ya wont have to worry about cutting any

Thanks George....just the start, at 69 I'm sort of slower in the woods than I used to be

Mr. bradbury, sounds like that's what ya got....I will post you a bark pic tomorrow, sir.

B2, ya wasn't supposed to give that away man 8) bein as full of BS as I am, depends on which leg gets shook out by what tree  don't ya know? ::)


Offline Josh B

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Nice haul Rich!  Josh

Offline Parnell

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Offline Dakota Kid

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I'm glad I looked at this thread. I had what I thought was a bunch juvenile sycamore, but turns out I have a pile of staves/logs almost identical to yours. I've been using american hornbeam/blue beech since I started. The eastern HHB seems just as tough but grows straighter with less twist. It doesn't have the cool looking fluted trunk grooves, but I'll trade that for straight any day.
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Offline H Rhodes

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You got a haul there brother! 
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline half eye

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Thanks Josh , Parnell....we'll have to see how many the old man can drag out

Dakota, I've worked muscelwood before and prefer the hhb (ironwood) because of the lack of ridges and valleys....believe they are equally strong

Howard, thank you sir.