I've been reading Howard Hill's book Hunthing The Hard Way and in the chapter on hunting bighorn sheep he
relates a story of how crows can't count past 2, so ya need 3 people, when ya spot a crow 2 people keep his
attention and the 3rd makes a stalk on him. And it don't surprise me one bit that a crow can count to 2, heck I have relatives
that can't count that high 
i've been interested in ornithology all life long and there is a lot of bull being told about missing inteligence of birds: catch a crow, put the crow in a big voliere, put in that cage a glass of water that is high so she cannot reach the water. when the crow gets thursty it will check out the scene for a bit and than start throwing stones in the tube until waterlevel comes up, than the bird drinks.
if three people enter a blindfold and two leave again and one stays in, birds can't tell the difference; but crows could more likely then eagles!
maybe you guys should try that on turkeys (if it works you owe me the tailfeathers

cheerio, frank
ps: i'm a musicain, i can count up to 4.