been working on this one for a while and there are a couple photos of it on here... but i finally put all the finishing touches on it and it is DONE...
66.75" nock to nock redoak board with a 1/8th" hickory backing... glued up with tb2
pulls 54#@29"
leather handle wrap with floppy leather rest.
finish is cherry danish oil 5coats and 3 coats of tru-oil rubbed with 0000 steel wool between coats to a satin finish
belly was toasted in reflex and it holds 1" reflex on each limb
twisted up a 14strand string of 50lb spectra with a spectra serving...
hopefully tomorrow after work i will run to the indoor range at bass pro shop and stick a few arrows in a few targets to see how it shoots...
here are the finished photos with the money shot *(it looks weird because my photographer is over a foot shorter than me and in a eternally bad mood)

belly toasted to chocolate brown

4.5" brace

leather wrap handle and arrow rest

and full draw featuring yours truly and bonus sister in law loafing on my sofa...