First pic shows 3 dogwood staves (left to right)
left: fumed for 5 days with traces of cambium on
middle: fumed for 1 day cleaned before fuming
right: no fuming with traces of cambium for comparison

next pic shows fresh cross cuts
l: fume damp has vaporized in the whole diameter
m: vaporized about 6 mm
r: just for comparison, no fume

Here is a detail of the stave in the middle. Forgot to say it was split after the fuming process. Marks shows how deep the damp has vaporized in.

next is a comparison between fuming and staining with iron oxide (something what is called vinegar stain here)
l: BL (from the Mohegan stave) stained
m: osage stained
r: osage fumed for 2 weeks
I used no vinegar for staining but iron chloride – works more aggressive.
The long time osage came out like ebony really cool color.

next a detail of the staining, the fresh cuttings show now color inside the wood. All is on the surface.

detail of the fumed osage, the damp was in the whole cross section

and a pic of the surface