To limit oneself to your own opinions and experiences pretty much defines the word stubborn.
Did you read that wikipedia article yet? Or better yet do a google image search for spalted wood. On the first page of results you'll see examples of spalting without zone lines(pigmentation/sapstain). I'll admit the majority of the results show wood like yours with the zone lines, but other types are represented.
This isn't "your book" by the way so pretty please with sugar on top, stop telling me I'm wrong. You don't have to call it spalted if you don't want to. By the way this was posted on the trade blanket not the discussions forum. I'm pretty sure you never had any intentions of making a trade. Next time you feel the need to discredit someones offering remember these words of wisdom, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." At the very least, if you wanna call someone out as wrong, check a resource or two first and make sure they are in fact wrong.
PS. I think your auto correct is changing the word spalted/spalting in all your posts.