I built my first lilac bow back in '01 or so, and reported my experiences some years later in TBB 4. The wood seems to have taken off since then

Lilac is my all-time favorite bow wood. Extremely dense, hard and strong. Selfbows around 1" wide at mid-limb pulling 55 - 60# with barely a half-inch of string follow. Tough to season, as every lilac bowyer learns. I never cut lilac during the growing season, as that greatly increases the checking (and compromises the outer growth ring). Then, I reduce the staves to a floor-tillered thickness right after cutting, and keep them, bark-on, in a cool place for the first several weeks of initial drying. After that, I debark the staves to let the wood season in a reasonable time, and move them to a drier, warmer environment. From there on, it's weighing and waiting for EMC to arrive. Following this procedure, I have zero checking on my lilac staves, quite unlike the first several ones.