Hi !
I was roughing out my first black locust piece when I found the snaky limb

If it was only snaky I do know how to addres the problem. I got some headache because it does also lean away from the belly plane ( see the pics ).
Normaly I would try to get a flat belly plane, but on this limb the material on the inside and near the center line would be decreaced a lot. I fear that the limb would tent to bend and rotate inwards left. Because of the stiffer right side. ( orientation seen when looking at the belly pics ).
The limb curves away from the center line about 10 cm ( 3/8 inch ).
The steps i woud try next would be:
1) Finishing the limb form with on the right side. ( do not touch the left side)
2) Geting both limbs ready for tillering ( finishing mostly near the handle )
? Tillering ? How do I remove the Material. Right side?
The Belly plane would be leaning to the right side?
Thick left side and thinner right side on the snaky limb?
Sincerly Bogenbau Lehrling!